Each student is required to participate in this online assignment. The assignment is part of your Participation grade. Each student is required to do the following:
1. Read each of the three articles from the International Herald Tribune:
Each article discusses societal issues in other countries . . . and all three have one unfortunate element in common: violence.
I selected these articles because they present opportunities for you to come to conclusions about violence in society. Some people have said that Americans are violent people, as depicted by movies and television . . . but these articles demonstrate that violence isn't only an issue in America.
2. In the Comments section below this blog post, you can post your own Comments about at least one of the above articles. Answer one of the following questions and type your comments in the Comment section.
- Within a society there are schisms (divisions) of people who are violent . . . thus the article about Neo-Nazis. Could Neo-Nazis, or a similar "hate" group, exist in Kuwait?
- Media have recently included many stories about the persecution of Christians in the Muslim world. What's up with that? Should Christians be on guard? What's the source of this violence?
- What should be done in the Congo to protect women from rape? Are you alarmed by the statistics? What does this tell you about the Congo?
3. Finally, post Comments about at least two of the Comments posted by your colleagues. In other words, read the Comments posted by other students and then respond to at least two of their Comments, offering your opinion about what they said.
Of course, spelling, grammar, and basic English count!
You have until Saturday noon, 21 May, to complete this assignment.
Hamad Al Wazzan 5082
"Christian Woes"
In my opinion,Egypt has been recently completely liberated and it has discovered a newly found freedom, so the extremists within the society will naturally misinterpret this completely into something aggressive. It is not a question of whether the Christians should be on guard or not because the ACTUAL Egyptian law does not allow this, so the problem isn’t with the nation, it’s with the extremists that live in it and unfortunately every country has such individuals, so it’s a matter of placing and implementing strict laws on this matter,which Egypt currently lacks.
Ajeel Al Ajeel 5924
This article was interesting to read, although i was hoping to read more on the sons reasons as to why he shot his father. As to answering the question i believe hate groups have no boundries. It doesnt take much to form an organization who share a common goal. Kuwait is far too small and secure for any hate group to become active without the government and police taking action. A good example of this would be the terrorist recruiters who were arrested awhile back for trying to recruit people at a local mosque. Kuwait may not have the complete freedom of speech, but in my opinion it seems to prevent a lot of crazy things from happening. One more thing i believe hate groups are formed when a group feels oppressed, not always, but in the case of the neo-nazis im guessing they've lost too many jobs to immigrants and they believe they have a right to retaliate.
Mohammed Al Masalkhi 5878
"Congo Rape"
In my opinion,government should protect women from sexual violence,ensure rape victims are provided with adequate services to cope with with their abuse and with resulting health isseues.I alarmed by the statistics so that tells me there is no secure in Congo specially women are oppressed.
Homoud Al-Shaheen 7286
I found the article very amusing because no one would have expected that Mr. Hall would be killed by his son! But I feel sorry for the kids because they have been brain washed by their father's corruptive and inhuman teachings about the superiority of the white race. I think that the kids need to be checked in rehab so they can get their thoughts straight like any other individual. Also, they need to know what is right and what is wrong. If they aren't treated soon, I assume that they would be a source of threat towards society.
Heading to the question, I don't think that there are any hate groups in Kuwait. But from what I have heard, I think that SOME Bedouins hate the "modernized" people because the Bedouins assume that they have let go of their traditions and have shifted towards the Western traditions, as in modernized. Also, there are some modernized people that hate the Bedouins due to their lack of knowledge, their incapability to use and define technology, and to their rude way of treating the modernized people.
In reply to Hamad:
I completely agree to what you have written. Egypt is in desperate need to enforce strict laws to avoid chaos in their country.
In reply to Ajeel:
I support your comment on the article. I can't wait to find out what will happen to the son in court. Thankfully, there aren't any active hate groups in Kuwait, because the only thing that these groups lead to is corruption.
Homoud, congratulations for being the first student to post a Comment of your own, and then to post in response to two other students' comments. . . . You earned an A for this assignment, and well done!
Dr. Hayes
Waiting for more students to comment on their posts..
Mohammed Al Msalkhi 6878
In reply to Hamad :
I support your comment,the government should implement strict laws to stop the violence and the extremists within the society.I think,although there are problems between Muslims and Christians,but Muslims and Christians together carried out the revolution. There were martyrs on both sides.
In reply to Homoud Al-Shaheen:
I totally agree with you that article was very interesting and kids were victims of the society and they need to know what is right and what is wrong.I assume they should be presented to Psychiatrists to treat them.In kuwait,I think there is Discrimination between Bedouins and modernized people but,as you said, "I don't think that there are any hate groups in Kuwait".
Good work Mohammed 6878 . . . A!
Ammar Tineh 7985
The neo nazi story was very shocking because of how things turned on the father .I mean he raised his kids in believes where only Caucasians should exist and everyone else should be killed but he got murdered by his own child. Makes me wonder what made him do it or what influenced him ..I'm guessing peer pressure.
In response to the question:
I don't think neo nazi's or similar hate groups exists in Kuwait since the majority of the people are Muslims they are raised on the belief that everyone is equal no matter what race they are or what condition there in ,therefore i don't believe ANY "hate" group exists in Kuwait.
@Mohammed Al Masalkhi 5878
I agree with you on what the government should do to rape victims but i believe that the problem goes beyond..Dirty cops and people whom take bribes all lead to women being raped because drugs and rape crimes go hand to hand..A new government maybe ?
@Hamad Al Wazzan 5082
I agree with you on enforcing such laws but that will most likely take a while now since they have just liberated therefore immediate actions should be taken to protect not just Christians but anyone who feels threatened and i also believe that the previous bombing on the Egyptian church was some kind of agenda that was done in order to get the people to fight each other rather than have a revolution.Many videos on you tube show Muslims protecting Christians while they pray and vice verse.Truth should come out soon enough.
Rawaf Abdulrahman 7998
This article didn’t not surprise me as much because it has been commonly known in Africa that rape is one of the major issues in the region, and rape doesn’t only occur in Congo but even in South Africa which is a HEDC (Highly economic Developed country). This shows how the government should try to protect their population from these crimes.
Hamad Al Ablani 6108
"Christian Woes"
I was really startled after reading this article, especially when you think about the circumstances that Egypt recently went through. The whole point of the revolution was to insure the welfare and democracy of Egypt. Religion should be practiced freely with no concern or any sort of harassment, be it Christianity, Islam or any other religious belief, so no Christians shouldn’t have been on guard. Extremists unfortunately defiled that law by burring TWO churches! Even though both local police and government officials confirmed there was no such woman in the church. The source of this strife was indeed caused by a simple misunderstanding or rather a false accusation that broke out into a huge issue. Hopefully we won't see any further conflicts such as this one occurring in Egypt's future.
Hamad Al Ablani 6108
@Hamad Al Wazzan 5082
I Couldn’t agree any more, I think that the people of Egypt have not yet completely adapted to this new system, the whole incident that occurred recently supports this concept. Rules have to be implemented strictly in order to conserve peace and tranquility among the people.
@Ajeel Al Ajeel 5924
Indeed, Kuwait is just too small to give birth to such hate groups. Even if hate groups due tend to immerge, the Kuwaiti government will insure that they are not to be tolerated. Article 44 of Kuwait's constitutions actually approves over the right of private assembly without permission or prior notification, provided that their purpose and means are peaceful and not contrary to morals.
Rawaf Al-Rawaf 6828
I really liked this article, it was tragic but interesting. However, I read the whole story but there was nothing about what made the son kill his father. Even though, I sympathies Mr. Hall’s kids because of what they went through. The father didn’t care about his children and what would happen to them when they grow up, he cared only about the cause he was supporting.
Answer to the question:
Hate groups in Kuwait? I don’t think so. Kuwait is a very small country to have 'hate groups' but even if a 'hate group' is formed, it will quickly be dealt with. However, I still think that ‘hate groups’ will never be formed in Kuwait because 90% of Kuwait individuals are Muslims, they believe that everyone are equal.
@Hamad Al-Wazzan 5082
I completely agree with you that there are such people ‘extremists’ in every country and what’s happening in Egypt is the cause of lack of strict laws.
@Rawaf Abdulrahman 7998
I agree with you that rape is common in all of Africa not just the “Congo” and I think that the government should try harder to protect the citizens especially women.
Omar Al-Suabie 6614
"Christian Woes"
After reading the article about the recent violence against Christians, my opinion is that this is something that has been building up over time. I feel the revolution in Egypt only opened the door to a situation that was bound to happen anyways. Because Christians and Muslims in Egypt have always had tension. They had to live peacefully beside each other before because of the law, but I think that all of the chaos that is going on now gave way to the chance to act out against one another. Groups that are opposing are always against each other. They may live peacefully beside each other because it is the law, but there is always some tension there.
Now the question, should Christians be alert? My answer to this is no! I think that Christians are just another group as any other group. So why should Christians specifically be on the alert? Why not muslims be on the alert? I feel this problem is not really a Christian or Muslim conflict, I truly feel there is a political agenda behind it.
@ Hamad Al Wazzan 5082
I agree with your opinion also that this new freedom for the Egyptians opens the door to extremists. Some people or groups do not know how to handle freedom and they abuse it. Although Egypt right now is lacking strict laws, I feel that in the future we will see major changes in Egypt and they will eventually implement these laws. It's only a matter of time before these changes will occur.
@ Homoud Al-Shaheen 7286
I completely agree with you that SOME Bedouins are against the modernized people. I feel though that not only Bedouins but also such religious groups as well, example being Sunni and Shia'a.
Abdulaziz Al Shuaib 6971
This article was very shocking because, i can't imagine how the kid shoot his father by mistake. I think the father is a complete psycho. He shoudn't teach or tell his children about the Neo-Nazi group because, his children will adapt what he taught them about racism, and how to apply it on the community. His kids are going to grow up with a Neo-Nazi thinking and brain, causing them to be in danger because of people who hate the Neo-Nazi group.
Answering the question,i think, and it's belived by many people that there are unactive hate groups in Kuwait. They act upon issues that they think it's not right. For example, many kuwaities say that some people should not be kuwaiti citizens because they are not born in kuwait, their mother is not kuwaiti, and they dont speak arabic in a proper kuwaiti accent.
In response to Homoud Al Shaheen:
I totally agree with you, were you said that his children should be checked in rehab, because they will have the same attitude of their father as they grow up.
In response to Hamad Al Wazan:
I totally agree with you. The Egyptian goverment need to establish the right laws, inorder to maintain stability in the country and stop the riots and fights between the two groups.
Faisal Al Ajmi 6848
NO there are no hate groups in Kuwait, and in my point of view it will never happen if people use their minds and become wise. Some people say oh a there might be some dislikes from different people as they call it "Bedouins "and the rest. People say that Bedouins might not like the rest of the people and there might be some issues between them because the rest is modernized and they are stuck to their heritages and cultures. The problem is that those people don't know that those Bedouins they are calling are modernized and use technology more than the rest. By the way, all of the Kuwaitis have partly the same culture. That's because in the past the people lived together safely more than a family. If everyone respects the others and show some love surroundings would live happily and safely, there would be limits to everything including manners.
The first that should be done regarding Congo is for the government to take some responsibilities. The government and people should get rid of those gangs, who rape those women and little girls. It’s also for the man or who's in charge of the family to take care of his wife and girls, and to keep an eye on them to get them away from those rappers. As mentioned in the article that raping is taken place in the west side, which shows that the country and who's in charge are not showing or taking care of the people and the place letting those raping gangs rape those girls and women. Especially those women who are married and get raped their husbands just dumb them leave them and go, this is a big issue. The countries in charge or surrounding countries should try and stop what's going on.
Faisal Al Ajmi6848
In reply to Hamad :
I agree about whats going on in Congo, thats a major issue the government should make some laws and restrictions to save those women and girls from getting raped and save their lives. The government should take some responsibilities to save its citizens and their lives.
In reply to Homoud Al-Shaheen:
Faisal 6848
Regarding what you said about those BEDIOUNS, you're completly mistaken because you dont know them well they are modernized they use technology and news things more than others do, they are stuck to their cultures but also follow the trend, so please make sure that you're right before saying anyhting
Abdullah Al-Wuagyyan 5447
Hate groups, or similar groups, would not be easily grow in such society like Kuwait because Kuwaiti people are strongly related to each other in a way or another. However, maybe such groubs are exists in non formal, not in public, way among expatriates in kuwait.
Abdulaziz Al-Mailem. 6369
As we seen reasntly there is many hate groups in Kuwait that they are working on the disintegration of the people and dividing it into parties, but they are outsiders coming from out side and to do what they need.
I don't think so kuwaties want this or hate Kuwait.
In replay to Homoud Al-Shaheen
I disagree with you about the Bedouins, there is many people don't like modernized not only the Bedouins, as I see there is many Bedouins like modernized and they love technology. In this world now even if they don't like modernized they should use it because this whats yapping now.
In replay to Abdulaziz Al Shuaib
I agree with you because that what's happing in Kuwait now. If the person is a real Kuwaiti or not.
Faisal Al-Oun 4247
"Christian woe"
First of all, I think that the title of the article is not appropriate or objective as it adapts one point of view which is the Christian one. The title can indicate that the Christians in Egypt are suffering and under persecution of Muslims. The fact is that what's happening in Egypt is a kind of counter-revolution led by the ex regime of the ex President Hosney Mubarak and his party. Christians worked side by side with Muslims for the last four month in the great revolution which managed to oblige President Mubarak to step down and during this period no Christian was badly treated and no church was burnt. Another important thing which we should be put into consideration is the exterior interference by Israel as a result to the Egyptian role in the compromise between 'Fath' and' Hamas'.
Muslims and Christians have been living together for more than fourteen centuries in peace and love. Extremists from both sides try to spoil this model relationship of the peaceful coexistence. The expatriate Coptic’s work hard to present a false picture about the conditions of Christians in Egypt. I think that the ball now is in the field of Al-Azhar and the Coptic Church to work hard to melt this iceberg between the two poles of the Egyptian nation.
In reply to Hamad Al Wazzan 5082
I can frankly say that I'm completely with him. Hamad's comment shows that he understands the picture well and he is really objective. He analyzed the condition well in his few words. He referred to the counter revolution which tries and works hard to destroy the achievements of the great revolution of 25th January.
In reply to Hamad Al Ablani 6108
I disagree with Hamad in saying that laws should be enforced to protect Christians. He didn't refer to the counter attack or the exterior interference from other countries. Hamad did not also refer to the role played by the expatriate Coptic who try to destroy the mulim-coptic relationship and the country as a whole.
Saleh Al-Muhailan 6564
I liked the story because it confirmed to me that there are consequences to every sin. But I am confused what led son to kill his father who taught him everything he knows?
I think that the child should not be held accountable for what he did, because he was subjected to the pressure from a young age and that had an impact on his thinking; I do not think that there is a reasonable person kills his father.
Answer to the question:
I don’t think we have any hate groups in Kuwait, and I don’t believe we will have any hate groups in the future; because most citizens of the same religion and same origin.
In reply to Mohammed Al Masalkhi:
I agree with you that the government should protect women from sexual violence, and I think that the government should develop severe penalties to reduce these heinous crimes.
In reply to Hamad Al Ablani:
I totally agree with you that what happened is unfortunate, but we must not stand idly by without doing something to stop these terrorist acts, we must educate people that the person have the freedom to choose his religion, and that the prophet (PBUH) did not coerce anyone to enter into Islam.
Abdulrahman AlQadhi 6079
"Congo Rapes"
I was really surprised about what I have read in this article. I hadn't expected that much of violence in any country. Studies and statistics shows us a serious situation that is exercised daily with lack of governmental resistance. These amounts of raping crimes shows us that the government is corrupted, weak, or ignorant about its citizens' rights. The government must provide safety for its citizens by facing these criminals no matter what are the consequences. In order to stop or reduce raping crimes, the government must take an action before it's too late. They must strengthen their laws and consequences toward any person who commits these kinds of crimes. In my opinion, the government can control the situation if they worked hard, thus they must prevent hopeless. Even if the number of crimes are very high, it can be managed through well organized steps.
In reply to Faisal Al-Oun 4247:
I liked the way you expressed peace and love between Muslims and Christians through the past years. I also have the same point of view you mentioned, which is "Extremists from both sides try to spoil this model relationship of the peaceful coexistence." I also feel that some extremists are always trying to come up with new ideas just to create borders between Muslims and Christians.
In reply to Ajeel Al Ajeel 5924:
I truly support what you said about hate groups. I also don't think that there are any active hate groups in kuwait. It might exist by time, but I hope not. I also support what "Abdulaziz Al Shuaib 6971" has mentioned at the same time, which is "many kuwaities say that some people should not be kuwaiti citizens because they are not born in kuwait, their mother is not kuwaiti, and they dont speak arabic in a proper kuwaiti accent." Some people think this way, but I don't think that they are considered an active hate group.
Hamad Al Wazzan 5082
In reply to Ammar Tineh 7985
I too disagree with the statement because there are hate groups do exist in Kuwait and there is rassest and discrimination although we do not like admit it does exist. One Example can be the decimation against foreign and lower class people.
In replay to Hamad Al Ablani 6108
I agree with the statement I believe that “all religions should be practiced freely”. However, the Christian people should be on guard because we don’t live in ideal world where every individual except one onther.Since that is the case Christian should be careful of the extremists in Egypt.
Mujren Al Mujren
"Christian Woes"
After reading the article, I came up with this opinion, which is that the violence that happening between the Muslims and Christians had been grown up in Egypt before the revolution, but it's not visible because of law. However, after the revolution it has opened the door for the dark side to be shows up. As a matter of fact, even if the Egypt's government has dominated the disturbance and the tension between Muslims and Christians. We will see some of the chaos that will be done in the future.
comment on Rawaf Al-Rawaf 6828
I totally agree with Nawaf that Islamic principles have a large influence on muslims. These principles make them believe in equality. Therefore, such groups are hardly be found among Kuwait society.
Omar yousiff al_rumaih 6153
I was shocked when i read this article for so many reasons.Problem came when the boy kill his father with a cold feeling.This article shows much of violence.There are many of government must be take action espashilly in west.These kinds of crimes with my opinion its very high of dangerous and it will come after many risks.I wish the gad save us and the world from this kind of violence.
In reply to Abdulrahman AlQadhi 6079
I was really happy and lacky when i read his comments about "Congo Rapes" article becouse he is discovered alot of thing in the article wich is goode and he is shows up and discovered many things between the lines.
Omar yousiff al_rumaih 6153
In reply to Mujren Al Mujren
He is completely explain the violence between Muslims and Christians with his opinion wich is very goode and very nice.And I agree with his statement and i believe that the violence grown up in Egypt before the revolution between the Muslims and Christians.
Ali Al bouloshi
The neo nazi article is the child thathe is a victim of his father's thoughts and teachings.he missed the motherliness and kindness.he became an abnormal boy,so he commited this horrid crime.for answering the question about the neo nazi i think that their are two similer groups in kuwait. The first group thinks that their thoughts are right and also the second group which creats alot of problems and hate between the people in kuwait.
Ajeel:i respect your opinion but i think their are problems inside the community.the police or the goverment could not solve it.
Homoud: you said in kuwait there are no hate groups and what you said about the group that don't like "modernized" its not kind of hate.
Rawaf Abdulrahman 7998
Replying to : Rawaf Al-Rawaf 6828
Yes i agree with your ideas because if his father really cared about him then he would have cared more about try to educate his son than the cause he is trying to achieve
Rawaf Abdulrahman
Replying to :Abdulrahman AlQadhi 6079
I disagree with your fist statement that you said about being "surprised and didn't think that it would be that high or number or rapes" but you should have known because in the 3rd world country not only Congo but other african countries are experiencing these crime s
Shamlan Al Roomi 3443
"Congo Rape"
When having a corrupt government, a citizen will turn aimlessly for help. Having so much power will create a sense of superiority, and that is due to the lack of education and a monitoring system. Religion is a vital director in the theatre of life. Unfortunately, many don’t stick to the script. Also, rising those impressionable youths to be soldiers at a young age will tip the scale of common sense. Right and wrong will be a mere mirage, or hazy if you will.
In reply to Ajeel:
I agree. Kuwait has no tolerance toward terrorism nor hetaerism. Only the weak minded would be dragged in into a hate group. The culture of Kuwait contradicts the message that the instigators are trying to convey.
In reply to commandos_88
Unfortunately, the fault remains in the system; or lack of it. Another factor, in the absence of remorse or humanity the strong has the control. Luckily that isn’t the case in Kuwait; or of that magnitude.
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