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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Quiz Amnesty: One Time Opportunity To Earn A Better Grade

You have a one-time opportunity to make up online quizzes . . . if you did not complete one or more of the quizzes posted online, you may do so no later than noon Saturday 28 May.

Here are the requirements:

  1. Follow the directions posted online for any quiz (or quizzes) that you want to make up. 
  2. All entries must be emailed and arrive no later than noon Kuwait time on 28 May. 
  3. Email format must be exact as explained in the posting. 
  4. Word documents only will be accepted and graded.
  5. Spelling, grammar and punctuation all count as part of the grade.
  6. Because you did not do the work when it was originally due, your grade will be reduced by one full letter, i.e. if the quiz would have scored an A had it been delivered on time, you will receive a B, etc. 
The EEK Quiz does not count as part of the final grade so there's no need to complete it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Like These Quotes

I'm passing along some of my favorite quotes . . . each gives you something to think about!

“Show me a store cleark with a goal and I’ll show you a man who will change the world. Show me a man with no goal and I will show you a store clerk.”
     James Cash Penney, founder, J.C. Penney Department Stores

Visitor: “You and God have a beautiful garden.”
Church Pastor: “Thank you. You should have seen it four months ago when God had it all to himself!”
“If you have integrity nothing else matters. If you have no integrity, nothing else matters.”
     * Alan K. Simpson, U.S. Senator, Wyoming

“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
     * Football Coach Vince Lombardi

“The brain is a wonderful organ. It begins working the moment you wake up and stops when you arrive at the office.”
     * Robert Frost

Friday, May 20, 2011

Project: Due Noon Saturday 28 May 2011 (At The Latest)

Projects account for 15% of your grade. This is the final project of the semester. It's due no later than Saturday 28 May 2011. You may not collaborate with (work with) another student to complete this project. You may not copy another student's work. If I suspect your assignment was copied, or if it includes the same information submitted by one or more other students, all students involved will earn a zero for the assignment. Do your own work, and work alone.
  • Write an essay of at least 250 words and no more than 500 words. 
  • Title the essay: The 10 Most Important Things I Learned About Media
  • List the 10 most important points/lessons you learned about media this semester
  • Tell me why each point is "most important"
  • Tell me why you will or will not pursue a career in media
  • Tell me how you will use any form of media to improve your qualifications
  • Check your Basic English . . . the Grading Rubric is in full force!
Meet the deadline
Submit your Word file to me (use only this address) via email. The deadline is 12 noon Saturday 28 May 2011. Name your Word file in this format only: PROJ_(YourFirstName)_(Your4DigitGUST-ID).doc.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Trying Is Overrated: Doing Is All That Matters!

Bazaar magazine published my article about "trying". It was inspired by GUST students my first semester at the university. You can read the article at Bazaar online

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Online Assignment: Due By Noon 21 May

Each student is required to participate in this online assignment. The assignment is part of your Participation grade. Each student is required to do the following:

1.  Read each of the three articles from the International Herald Tribune:

Each article discusses societal issues in other countries . . . and all three have one unfortunate element in common: violence

I selected these articles because they present opportunities for you to come to conclusions about violence in society. Some people have said that Americans are violent people, as depicted by movies and television . . . but these articles demonstrate that violence isn't only an issue in America. 

2.  In the Comments section below this blog post, you can post your own Comments about at least one of the above articles. Answer one of the following questions and type your comments in the Comment section. 
  • Within a society there are schisms (divisions) of people who are violent . . . thus the article about Neo-Nazis. Could Neo-Nazis, or a similar "hate" group, exist in Kuwait?
  • Media have recently included many stories about the persecution of Christians in the Muslim world. What's up with that? Should Christians be on guard? What's the source of this violence?
  • What should be done in the Congo to protect women from rape? Are you alarmed by the statistics? What does this tell you about the Congo?  
3.  Finally, post Comments about at least two of the Comments posted by your colleagues. In other words, read the Comments posted by other students and then respond to at least two of their Comments, offering your opinion about what they said. 

Of course, spelling, grammar, and basic English count!

You have until Saturday noon, 21 May, to complete this assignment. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

International Press Freedom: Due Saturday 14 May By Noon!

Read Social Issues: International Press Freedom on page 439 of your textbook.

After you've finished reading and reflecting on the information, do an online search to learn more about the topic. Find the Freedom House report.

Then answer these questions:

  1. How does Kuwait rank in the 2009 Freedom House report?
  2. Based on what you know, or think you know, explain why Kuwait deserves or doesn't deserve its rating.
  3. What are 3 advantages of press freedom?
  4. What are 3 disadvantages of press freedom?

Answer in complete thoughts. Avoid one word answers, or (bullet) itemized answers that do not provide complete thoughts. Check (and double check) your use of English.

Open a Word document and save it in this format: FreeP_YourFirstName_YourGUST4DigitID.doc. Send the document to me before the deadline using only this email address. Do your own work!

By noon Saturday 14 May. Not one second later.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What Do You Think About Americans? Due At 5 PM 11 May

Read Social Issues on page 424 of your textbook.

After you're finished reading and understanding the information, answer these questions:
  1. How much American media do you consume? (In other words, how much American TV do you watch, and how many American publications do you read, etc.?)
  2. How, if at all, have your opinions about Americans been formed by the American media you consume? (If you don't consume American media, then which media, if any, have helped form your opinions about Americans?).
  3. What are your opinions about Americans? I am looking for complete answers and not one word answers, i.e. "Nice."
  4. Why have you arrived at these opinions? 
Write in complete thoughts. It's okay to include bullet points. Do your own work! Check your English usage.

Open a Word file. Save it in this format: Am_YourFirstName_Your4DigitGUST_ID.doc. Email the document to me before the deadline.

This assignment must be emailed to this address no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday 11 May. Note: I will not accept the assignment after 5 p.m. (doesn't matter what your reason is) and I will not grade an assignment that isn't in a Word document and saved in the format that I require above.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Broadcast Television Quiz: Due At Noon On Saturday 7 May 2011

This is a graded Quiz. You may not collaborate (work with) another student to answer these questions. You may not copy another student's work. If I suspect your assignment was copied, or if it includes the same information submitted by one or more other students, all students involved will earn a zero for the assignment. Do your own work, and work alone. Open a new Word document. Save the document like this (but use your personal information): TV_(YourFirstName)_(Your4DigitGUST-ID).doc. . . . Oh, one more thing: You are welcome to use your textbook for this quiz.

  1. What are the defining features of the TV medium?
  2. Who owns America's TV networks?
  3. Who owns Kuwait's TV networks?
  4. In what era were TV programs criticized for excessive violence?
  5. In your own words, do you think TV has a positive or negative effect on people?

Meet the deadline
Submit your Word file (assignment) to me (use only this address) via email. The deadline is 12 noon Saturday 7 May 2011. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Multi-Topic Quiz: Due 5 pm 4 May 2011

  1. What was the major challenge facing Viacom and Arab Media Group upon the launch of MTV Arabia?
  2. What obstacle would MTV Arabia need to overcome to achieve a local presence for the network?  
  3. What alternative Arab music was expected to be showcased on MTV Arabia?
  4. Why was Viacom interested in bringing MTV to Arabia? 
  5. What role did AMB play in the launch of MTV Arabia?
  6. What size was the advertising revenue for MTV Arabia when it launched?
  7. Al Jazeera initially created controversy in 2001 by broadcasting from where and about what? 
  8. Al Jazeera is known for presenting "the opinion and the other opinion" and it shocked viewers when it was the first to broadcast . . . what news?
  9. San Antonio-based market-research firm Pear Analytics analyzed 2,000 tweets (originating from the US and in English) over a two-week period in August 2009 from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM (CST) and separated them into six categories. What are the categories and the percentages? 
  10. In a 2009 Time essay, technology author Steven Johnson described the basic mechanics of Twitter as "remarkably simple." What did he say about Twitter to describe it?
You can use online sources to find the answers to these questions. The information was not presented by your fellow students (but could have been, and some of it should have been). You'll have to do some online searching to get the information, but it's readily (quickly) available. 

NOTE: This is a graded quiz. If I suspect your answers are the same as another student's, both students will get a zero. Make sure your answers are in your own words. You are not permitted to discuss or share the sources of information with another student. You are not permitted to discuss the contents of this quiz with another student. You are not permitted to share information of any kind. Do your own work!   

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Planning: It's An Important Part Of Your Job As A Student. Especially As We Near Finals!

Please note: "FA" is not a grade that can be reversed once it's issued by GUST . . . missed assignments result in zero and will lower the earned Final Grade (and these assignments cannot be made up) . . . Keeping an eye on the Blog constitutes smart planning for any student looking to get a good grade in this course!

"Have a plan. Follow the plan, and you'll be surprised how successful you can be."
-- Paul "Bear" Bryant, American Football Coach

"You should plan and work for your life aas if you're going to live forever, and you should plan and work for the Hereafter as if you're going to die tomorrow."
-- Famous Arab Message

"Always plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark."
-- (Boston Cardinal) Richard Cushing

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."
-- Benjamin Franklin, a founding father of the USA

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Quiz Sawsan Kazak: Due 5 pm May 2

Do your own work! This quiz is due before 5 p.m. Monday May 2. 

Create a Word document using this format: SK_Your4DigitGUSTID_YourFirstName.doc. Email this document to me by the deadline. Answer these questions in the document:
  1. What's the circulation of the Kuwait Times (according to guest speaker Sawsan Kazak)?
  2. How large is the editorial department?
  3. Sawsan explained that it was competitive to get a job at the Kuwait Times but she had no difficulty. Why?
  4. Describe the relationship between the Al Watan Daily, Kuwait Times and Arab Times.
  5. What's the risk of writing restaurant reviews in Kuwait?
  6. Sawsan said that an editor told her to develop "sarcasm" as her voice as a columnist. What does that mean?
  7. When Sawsan isn't writing a column for the Kuwait Times, what's her job entail?
  8. What is Sawsan's relationship with Kuwait?
  9. Where was she educated? 
  10. What are the sources that provide news for the Kuwait Times?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Public Relations Quiz: Due 12 Noon 30 April

This is a graded Quiz. You may not collaborate (work with) another student to answer these questions. You may not copy another student's work. If I suspect your assignment was copied, or if it includes the same information submitted by one or more other students, all students involved will earn a zero for the assignment. Do your own work, and work alone.

Follow these steps to an A!
  1. Create a Word document. Name the file as such: 328_YourFirstName_Your4DigitGUSTID.doc.
  2. Open your textbook and turn to page 328. Read the Media Talk column.
  3. Do what it says . . . go online and access the video. Once you get to the Learning Center home page, click on Student Edition. Then click on Media Talk (NBC). Then click on Fit to Print?
  4. Watch the video.
  5. Answer the following questions:
  • Is the subject of this video an effective public relations tactic? Why or why not? Write 15 to 30 words. 
  • What, if any, ethical problems are involved in the use of this tactic? Write 25-50 words.
  • If the stories (published in Iraqi newspapers) are factual, has any harm been done? Explain your answer. Write 10 to 25 words. 
Meet the deadline
Submit your Word file (assignment) to me (use only this address) via email. The deadline is 12 noon Saturday 30 April 2011. 

Some Reminders To Help You Earn A Higher Grade On Solo Presentations

Do not read your slides to us!

Even though most of your classmates do not ask questions, they are capable of reading, and you do not have to read your slides to us when you make your solo presentation. Reading slides is boring and insulting, so don't do it!

Unfortunately, in the few solo presentations that we've seen to date, too often we've watched the presenter as he read to us. How did that make you feel? . . . Exactly! So don't do it when it's your turn. Use your slides to prompt your comments. And do not use too many words on one slide. The best slides include bullet points and single words or phrases rather than complete sentences. It's also fine to include images to dress up the slides.

Students who read their slides often have nothing to add but what's on the slides! That's a sign of shallow work, and often times it's a matter of a student copying words out of another source and placing them on slides. As you've seen (again unfortunately) some students use words and phrases that they cannot define -- don't do it because it's very likely that someone is going to ask you, "What does that mean?" and if you can't explain it, you lose points.

Follow these guidelines
Your solo presentation is your final assessment for this course . . . this is the most critical grade. Here are some other suggestions:
  1. Invest time in your project. Do the research. Collect information. Decide how you're going to present. You need to present for at least 12 minutes and not more than 20 minutes. That means you probably need to work on this project for 3 to 4 hours in advance. Considering the importance of the grade, that's not a lot of time, is it? 
  2. Spend time practicing your presentation. You should be able to talk to the class without even looking at your slides, other than glancing at them for a prompt. You need to share information with the class that's not on the slides. It's not a good idea to memorize the material, but you should practice it repeatedly so that you're familiar with it and you can deliver it in a conversational tone. Pretend that you're talking to a  small group of people who are sitting around a diwaniya. Practice!
  3. Speak clearly. If I can't understand you, your grade decreases. Don't mumble. Make sure your English is correct. It may be a good idea to practice your presentation in front of one or more people who can critique it for you and who know English.
  4. Come and see me at least a week before your presentation and review your content with me. If you deliver a final product that's filled with basic English errors, you lose points, especially since you could have come to me in advance and I would have reviewed the material with you. You would then have time to make corrections before you present.
  5. If you include a guest as part of your presentation, the guest cannot speak for more than 5 minutes and you must still present for at least 12 minutes. 
  6. If you include video/s in your presentation you must make certain that the video will load quickly. Do not include more than 2 videos and do not use a video that's longer than 4 minutes. Bring the URL to class so that you can easily locate the video if need be. 
  7. Involve the audience in your presentation. Granted, your colleagues are difficult to motivate. They do not ask questions. A couple may even fall asleep while you present! However, there are several students in the class who take the course seriously and they're earning As. These are students who frequently ask questions and participate. Look at them and engage them in your presentation. Your grade increases when you can get other students to participate. 
  8. Be ready to present when your name is called. If you don't know when you're presenting, find out! Then be prepared. We're running a day behind with presentations, but we could easily catch up in one evening, especially if someone fails to show up and present. You get one chance to present -- and if you miss that slot your grade is a zero. If we have time at the end of the semester to include missed presentations we'll do so, but if you miss your slot you will have earned a low grade for the course. 
  9. When you present you must give me a hard copy of your presentation. You cannot give it to me after the presentation. You cannot email it to me before or after the presentation. Give me a hard copy at the time you present. 
You CAN earn an A
It's not difficult to earn an A on the solo presentation -- but you won't earn an A without following the directions above.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kuwait Times' Columnist, Sawsan Kazak, Will Speak To You 27 April!

Sawsan Kazak was born in Kuwait and moved to Canada at age 4. She spent 20 years in Montreal, attending elementary and high school in French, and then continued her education at John Abbott College and Concordia University in English. Sawsan holds a bachelor's degree in psychology. A few years ago, she returned to her native Kuwait and began working at the Kuwait Times. She's a columnist, reporter and editor at the English language newspaper. She'll speak to you during the first part of MCM 103 on Wednesday 27 April! Your assignment: Visit Kuwait Times, search on "Sawsan Kazak" and read several of her most recent articles -- then be prepared to ask her questions. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Online Quiz Due 25 April

Please note: Numerous students earned Fs on the last quiz because they copied from other students. This is a violation of University policy. Do your own work!

This quiz is due no later than 5 p.m. Monday 25 April. It can be submitted only via email to me. Late submissions will not be graded. Answers in the body of an email are not acceptable -- follow the directions.

1.  Create a Word document and name it: MCM103_(Your4DigitID)_(YourLastName).doc . . . so if I were creating the file the name of my file would read: MCM103_0011_Hayes.doc.

2.  Answer the following questions (the answers were discussed in class by our guest speaker on Wednesday afternoon). You must write in complete sentences and your grammar, spelling and punctuation will be graded:

  • What's a new name for PR?
  • Describe social media?
  • Who was Ivy Lee?
  • Name three social media used by VIVA?
  • If you were a social media director for a business, how would you foster relationships with bloggers?
  • How would you characterize Kuwait blogging?
  • Why should a business use social media?
  • What are the social media job prospects in Kuwait?
  • Our guest speaker, Hindh, graudated in what field of study?
  • Why do companies use Linkedin? 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Online Quiz Due 20 April

Michael Mans-Combrinck, founder of the e-magazine, EEK! (Expats Express Kuwait), spoke to MCM 103 students last night. Based on the information he provided, here's a quiz for you to complete and email to me no later than Wednesday 20 April at 5 p.m. 

Open Word and save a document in this format: MCM103_Your4DigitID#_YourLastName.doc. Type your name and ID number at the top of the page. Title the Quiz: EEK! This quiz will be graded.

During his presentation, Michael provided answers to the 10 questions below. You are now to provide the answers (number each one according to the list below). Write in complete sentences. Basic English will count, of course. 

Quiz Questions
1.  What is EEK!? (Describe it in a complete sentence or two).
2.  Where is Michael from?
3.  What form of media does EEK! utilize?
4.  Is EEK! a blog?
5.  Explain in one paragraph why EEK! is of value and to whom it's of value.
6.  How much does it cost to subscribe to EEK!?
7.  How many people currently subscribe to EEK!?
8.  Who writes the contents of EEK!?
9.  How does EEK! make money?
10.  How much money would you need to invest to become an online or e-publisher?

Email the completed quiz to me by the deadline.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Social Networker To Speak To You On 20 April

Hind Al Nahedh
Hind Al Nahedh, president of Ghalia Group, Global Investment House, an investment banking company in Kuwait, will speak to MCM 103 students on Wednesday 20 April.

Ms. Alnahedh is experienced in communications and social media, and served as Social Media & Integrated Marketing Manager for VIVA Kuwait where she was involved in both internal and external communications.

Come and learn about communications and social media from one of Kuwait's most experienced practitioners! Click here to learn more about our speaker.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Al Watan Daily GM Will Speak To You 11 April

Dina Al-Mallak visits MCM 103
on Monday 11 April

Dina Al-Mallak, general manager of Al Watan Daily, Kuwait's leading daily English newspaper, will speak to MCM 103 students on Monday 11 April. 

Several years ago, Dina single-handedly led the Al Watan Daily team to launch the newspaper. After four years in publication,  Al Watan Daily has managed to exceed other English language newspapers in terms of market share, news coverage, and increased circulation. Come and learn about the newspaper's emergency in Kuwait from the general manager!

Dina is a graduate of Ryerson University  in Toronto,  Canada where she double-majored in  Journalism and Graphic Communication Management. Her minor is Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Prior to moving to Kuwait to launch Al Watan Daily, Dina worked in radio, television and print production.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Founder Of EEK! Will Speak To You On 18 April

Michael Mans-Combrinck, EEK! Founder
Michael Mans-Combrinck (he always says “just call me Michael”!) will be our guest on Monday 18 April. Michael is the founder of the e-magazine EEK! (Expats Express Kuwait). 

Michael arrived in Kuwait in 1999 with his family and three suitcases. He says he soon experienced varying levels of “emotional trauma” that many expats experience after they arrive in Kuwait. But instead of depression, Michael saw opportunity! 

Qualified in Industrial Psychology, and with an MBA (major in marketing), he launched an expats 
advisory help desk about six years ago, and EEK! is a result of that initiative. Now in its fifth year of circulation, EEK! has seen subscriptions grow by more than 33% in just the last four months. Michael is very clear that EEK! is not an online magazine, but an e-magazine. What is the difference? You'll find out when Michael visits our classroom! 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Solo Presentations Dates

Here are the rules to follow for your solo presentation, followed by the date you will present:

1.  Use media of your choice. Please do use a PowerPoint presentation and then you may add video and/or audio to it. Please be aware that student attention span is narrow and you should not use a video that runs more than 2 minutes. Also, do not include more than 3 videos within a presentation.

2.  You may include a guest speaker as part of your presentation (but not as a substitute). However, your guest must speak within your time limit. Please make your guest aware that he/she will not be able to speak for an entire class session. (If time permits, I will extend your speaking time to accommodate a guest).

3.  Your presentation must be at least 12 minutes and not more than 20 minutes. Leave some time for Q&A. Watch your time – you’ll be cut off at 20 minutes. This means you need to be well organized and when it’s your turn to present you need to be prepared! Do not spend 5 minutes setting up technology or handing out materials. If you need to hand out materials, ask other students to help you, or give out the materials before class begins.

4.  Your presentation will be evaluated by your instructor and each class member. Students will complete a rubric for each presentation and your instructor will consider the totals of the rubric in awarding your grade. See the Presentation Rubric to understand how your presentation will be evaluated.  

5.   At least one week prior to your presentation, meet you’re your instructor and discuss the outline. Come during office hours. Allow at least 15 minutes for the discussion. Therefore, do not come at the end of office hours or 5 minutes prior to a class. Bring a printed copy of your outline with you to the meeting.

6.  On the day of your presentation, give your instructor a hard copy of your presentation, along with links to e-files (if any).

7.  Do not miss your presentation date. The schedule is tight and if you miss your date you probably will not have an opportunity to make it up. Remember, your presentation is your Final Assessment so it represents 30% of your grade. If you need help, or you don't understand something related to this topic, visit with your instructor. You are encouraged to meet repeatedly to prepare for this very important presentation.

1. April 18

Mujren A. Mujren
2. April 18

Omar Alsujbaie
3. April 20

Anas Al Sharhan
4. April 20

Homoud Al Shaheen
5. April 25

Abdulaziz Al Shuaib
6. April 25

Ali Al Rashoud
7. April 27

Faisal Al Oun
8. April 27

Ali Al Bloushi
9. May 2

Hamad Al Wazzan
10. May 2

Faisal Al Ajmi
11. May 4

Ammar Tineh
12. May 4

Abdulaziz Al Melam
13. May 9

Rawaf Al Rawaf
14. May 9

Abdullah Al Wudayyah
15. May 11

Fawaz Mohammed
16. May 11

Abdulrahman Al Qadhi
17.May 16

Ajeel Ajeel
18. May 16

Shamlan Al Roomi
19. May 18

Mohammed Al Aimi
20. May 18

Hamad Al Ablani
21. May 18

Jasem Al Sanea
22. May 23

Mohamad Msalkhi
23. May 23

Talal Al Saif
24. May 23

Souliman Al Hamad
25. May 23

Naser Al Subaiei
26. May 25

Omar Al Rumaih
27. May 25

Rawaf Abdulrahman
28. May 25

Saleh Muhailani